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Planning Board Minutes 03/28/05
Planning Board Meeting
March 28, 2005

In Attendance: Mitch Posin, Edward Kenyon, William Meegan-chair, Russell Walton, and Deborah Cini
Absent: Janet Weidner, John Flender and Richard Osnoss.
Public: Jim Tarbox of Tarbox Construction. Moira Fitzgerald.

Jim Tarbox came before the board as a representative of Bank of Martha's Vineyard a division of Sovereign Bank. He is requesting a sign permit for the new ATM that is going to be installed in the side of the bank. This ATM will replace the night deposit box. There are certain graphics that are required to be displayed on the ATM. The graphics were made as small as possible. Mitch Posin motioned to approve the sign. William Meegan seconded. Motion approved by all.

Chuck Gilstead of Sourati Engineering Group came before the board with a revised Form A proposal. The property being discussed is Rivera AP 17:21.1. This proposal subdivided one lot into four lots. There is adequate frontage on Quansoo Road but the board questioned the frontage on Quenames road. The board also questioned if Quenames road is adequate. The board decided that it would like to have a look at the road for clarification. This was postponed to April 11, 2005.

Doug Hoehn came before the board in regards to AP 33: 45, 79 and AP 35:7.  The plan is the same as before however there is a revised covenant before the board for approval.  The covenant was clarified to state that there are to be no guesthouses on this property. The covenant and the plan were to the board's satisfaction. Billy Meegan motioned to approve but hold the linen until the Planning Board has received a signed copy of the covenant. Mitch Posin seconded the motion. Motion approved by all.

Moira Fitzgerald came before the board in regards to the Eddy Farm. AP 25:2.  Moira is proposing to expand a bathroom in a house on the property. This house dates before 1973. After much discussion it was determined that it was not a Planning Board matter.

It was requested of the Planning Board by the Assessors office to have a copy of the lot 5 release of the Mayhew-South Road Realty Trust. After searching the files and minutes of the past year, lot 5 release was never requested. A building permit was issued however and there is a house being built upon it. It was decided to ask of Mr. Meinelt to formally request a lot release for our records.

These minutes respectfully submitted by Deborah Cini.